Friday, January 29, 2016

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley were proud to say..."

"...they were perfectly normal, thank you very much!"

Yes, the time has come for the post to end all posts. The post that should be bowed down to. The post that lived.
Okay, heavy on the melodrama, I know. But seriously, I have had a lot of great days in my life, but none compares to this moment. That is how grand it was. This day was the culmination of my entire childhood.
The Making of Harry Potter film Studio Tour
There were 16 hysterical girls crying at the sight of this simple tan building. There was a group of 9 year old private school kids who were very confused as to why the 20 year old women were crying and jumping up and down. Excuse me children this was my childhood! This is where the books jumped off the page and leapt to the silver screen. I was 6 when the first movie came out, and my champion of a sister, Rhiannon, had read the book aloud to me and had driven with me, Brett and Brett's brother Daniel (I believe this is how it went. Forgive me if my memory is off, it was 14 years ago) to see the movie release in Salt Lake. I have waited and finally I can say I saw all of these things.
Knight to E5!
This Ford Anglia is flying!
It was decorated for Christmas
The whole group
It was smaller than I thought it would be.
So they had you sit down in this movie theater and the trio talked to you and explained the tour and what it entailed and then they disappeared into the door behind them. Then the curtain raised and the door to the great hall was right in front of us!!!! AHHHHH!!!
Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy warty, Hogwarts, teach us something please
My desire is not that old man with me... unless he has money
I got sent to the Headmaster office again, because I'm a Slytherin and I don't follow rules
I would be a parselmouth
There was this cool video that would teach us how to fight with wands and it was amazing.
I went with two groups to go again

I hate this woman, but love her style

My pimped out ride
Butterbeer = mediocre, butterbeer ice cream = heaven
"Mind your 'eads"
Little Whinging Surrey
Where is Neville to run with me?!?!
Diagon Alley

 I grew up with Harry. We were friends. It has been a 14 year journey that has finally come to a head. Just like when the 8th movie came out, I have a large pit in my stomach, a feeling that this is the end. But it isn't the end, JK Rowling told me, "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

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