Thursday, January 28, 2016

"I woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head"

So far this week has been a big one for me. I will do the more boring stuff first that you won't care about but I will want to remember one day.

Monday I had more museum visits and then stood out in the cold for TWO HOURS while our professor told us history things that he could have said in our nice, warm, expensive classroom at the centre. But no. Instead we stood in a big group in Trafalgar Square. There are only 2 sets of people in the entire universe that like large groups of american tourists, street vendors and pick pockets. As we stood there I watched one get arrested and 3 circle our group predatorily.

After that I saw 10 Downing street, where the Prime Minister lives and went to Evensong in Westminster Abbey. Westminster is incredible and their boys choir sang like angels and the High commissioner of Australia was there. No big deal.

That night I talked Becky into going with me to the Hard Rock Cafe! I have been to the Hard Rock in Paris, Rome, D.C, New York and Vegas so it was clear to me I had to go to the original. It was amazing. The building it is in is an old bank with a vault downstairs that houses incredible artifacts like, a Beatles Piano and John Lennon artifacts. The lady worker there was laughing at how excited I was about these things, but they are very important.

John Lennon's final draft of Imagine with hand written changes

Me in the vault with famous people guitars

Excitement obviously
Me and Becky (Becky and me? I don't know if I have to use correct grammar when captioning a picture in which I appear on the left and therefore should be identified first)
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was recorded on that beautiful instrument!
Dorky me with our delicious burgers.

On Tuesday afternoon, I ran through Hyde Park. Alone. Because I live in London and I am an adult and I can do things like that. After last week when the forty of us trekked around the continent in a oblivious herd, it was refreshing to do something by myself. And to say my running place is Hyde park isn't too shabby either. The rest of the day I spent recuperating from the exhaustion of being around human kind constantly.  
Wednesday after classes, I went to a place I can only describe as a gift to womankind. Primark has the fashion of an H and M, is twice the size and less expensive. SCORE!! Because I have no self control, I bought a Friends t-shirt and Harry Potter sweats. 

Times this by 4 floors and you get the idea

Then I went to the most stunning play. A Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime is based of a book and is about the inner workings of a boy's head with Asperger's and how him and his family struggle to deal with the situations it causes. The stage was incredible and the acting superb and the directing flawless. And because my friend Madi qued up in the morning I got a ticket for only 15 quid (that is the slag word for pounds, peasants). Did I mention they were also in the middle of the front row. I could see the spit flying out of their mouths as they enunciated. It was perfect. If you ever get to London (or Broadway, it premiered there last year and won the Tony for Best Play) I suggest you go see it. So touching, 
Tune in tomorrow for my favorite post so far, about a boy wizard and his film studio. (I could have added it to this post because it was today, but it deserves it's own post)
Lonely Hearts Club groupie,

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