Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Day in the Life

I will start by saying, I love the city of London. It is vibrant and historic. I have already grown accustomed to living here. So much so that I have started acting the way I do at home. Laying in bed and looking at a computer screen to see the world. I know, I know not the best use of my study abroad money, but I'm pretty happy with it. I do force myself to leave the Centre at least once a day though so here is my week.
Day 1:
     I went out of the Centre to go to class in the National Gallery. We talked about early and true renaissance art. Here is a picture from my notes for reference.
This is early northern renaissance. You can tell because of the golden halos that were utilized heavily in the mid evil period but have now been tilted to give the painting some dimension, but the faces are still stylized (look all the same ish) so it is still early in the renaissance.

Day 2:
Today I went to lecture then left the Centre to do my homework by visiting the Elgin Marbles at the British Museum. I also returned a shirt I bought at Primark that didn't fit like I wanted it to. Sorry no pictures this day, if you want, google the Elgin Marbles they are pretty impressive.

Day 3:
I had my religion class then I went after dinner to the play As You Like it at the National Theater. It was a modern production of the Shakespeare comedy that was incredibly well done. I was concerned during the opening monologue by Orlando because I wasn't understanding any of it, but after a while I caught on to the old English and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Day 4:
I spent most of the day inside napping and doing homework, but mostly napping. After dinner I went to Selfridges and got a passion fruit cupcake from Lola's which was divine. Kate and I weren't ready to go back to the Centre and it was a warm and not windy (we are rarely blessed with no wind) night. As we walked down Piccadilly Circus, we found a happy store of the Disney variety.
Me and my favorite Avenger.

As I was taking this picture a lovely Disney employee walked passed and decided Kate and I needed one together and proceeded to instruct us on how to stand and our faces. Google Photos then combined these pictures for me in a fun way.
Notice how we start so serious and then the man gave us instructions to be more fierce and we lost our edge.

Also I need to be in Star Wars

Day 5:
This day we were tasked with visiting the Natural History Museum and it had this awesome meteor that you rode an escalator through that felt like Space Mountain.
Exibit A

Exhibit B
Inside the meteor

Well that's all for tonight folks. Good night and don't do anything I wouldn't do...
Sitting on a corn flake,

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